Student Accounts and Forgotten Passwords
Canvas is a Learning Management System that is used to distribute resources and assignments to students, collect assignments, host discussions, assign quizzes, provide feedback, and to provide a collaborative digital space for students working in groups.
- Log into Canvas with your Google username and password.
- If you can't log into Canvas, please contact Kelsi O'Leary in the WMS Counseling Center.
Google Accounts
Your school Google accounts includes your school email, Google Drive, Calendar, etc.
- Login at with your full school email address (ex: and your password.
- Your password for Google is: tigerlunch pin (ex: tiger654321)
- If you need your Google password reset, please visit the WMS Counseling Center.
Student Portal for Student Records
Access your current grades, attendance, etc by logging into the Student Portal for Student Records.
- Your username is your lunch pin (for example 2546) and your password is your 6 digit birthdate (for example: 101705).
- If you've forgotten your lunch pin, please visit the WMS Counseling Center.